Friday, January 27, 2006

Well that was not fun

I thought it would be cool to build my own website on-line from scratch. It would be, if I had the patience to learn HTML. I don't, nor do I have the time. It was alot more frustrating than I had anticipated. new website.....sorry to dissapoint all three of you who read this blog. So my web address will stay the same. link

Monday, January 23, 2006

new site

I have a new site. Here is the link Funkwaggon. I have a lot to learn about the new site, and there is alot of work to be done. I will most likely stop posting here, so check in at Don't be surprised if it is a mess. I will leave this site up until I get the bugs worked out over there.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

The winter annuals

I am really looking forward to spring. The weather has been really mild, adding to the angst. Thank goodness for the winter annuals, which add some color to the dreary days. We have a couple arrangements outside, including pansies, viollas, red bore kale, flowering cabbage, broccoli, sedum, and dianthus. It rained today and I captured these photos after a heavy rain..........

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Keepin' the thrill alive!!

Just wanted to drop a line, the pics just came back from glammershots. Not much goin on round here, getting ready for the whitesnake show. It’s gonna be sick! Hope everybody likes the pic we plan to make x-mas cards out of them. Rock on!!

Day off

I have a day off, cool. My schedule has been crazy lately. I quit working at White Oak last Friday. I had a chance to work with Bowen Auger for a couple of weeks. It was a 'no-brainer' financially. I will probably have a week of in between jobs. I Don't know if that's a good thing or not. I'm starting on with a company called Hybrid Scapes. It will be an easier job than White Oak. I will be doing maintenance, installation, and possibly some spraying. The pay is a little bit more, and the schedule is a lot better. I will really miss getting up at 4:30 though. No not really. Start time is seven, and usually back in around four. It is also a salary position. I am really hoping this job works out, as I am tired of swapping jobs like a teenager. It will still take me 45 minutes to get there, but it is close to school which is good..........Everyone is good here, got to spend most of the day with Cat, which was fun. We went to the greenhouse and picked up a camellia for grandma. I planted a couple plants at my folks house last week. The camellia will fit in good(Camellia japonica). I planted an Ilex vomitoria 'pendula' or weeping yaupon holly, a Hydrangea quercifolia or oakleaf hydrangea, Aucuba japonica or Japanese aucuba, and Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'prostrata' or cow tails pine. I'm really itching for spring..........Started my second quarter of school last week. It's ok so far. The classes are packed full this quarter, which is different. I'm taking Landscape contracting, and pest management. Landscape management is pretty interesting. It is all about running a small landscape company, the accounting is really boring but I will learn a lot I'm sure. We have lots of homework in both classes, I thought last quarter was bad. Pest management is boring, but the final is actually the state exam for commercial pesticide applicators license, which I need to have. So that's what's going on around here......Next time maybe I'll have pics and something interesting to say.....

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Thursday night

A Lot going on around here. Back to school. Quit White Oak. Working with Jerome for a week or two. Starting another job in February. A lot to do, little time to do it. Had to post. More later. Everybody is good. Valerie is good, she insisted I say so. ("you never write anything about me")

Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Years Day

A lot has happened this holiday season. It has been mostly bad, although I guess it's all in the way you look at it. My Grandmother passed away. It was a difficult thing to handle, and the season made it even tougher. She was a good lady, and I have a lot of great memories of her. She was a big influence in my life. And many others lives also. I have fond memories of spending the summer with her in Minnesota. My brother and I spent about 4 consecutive summers up there. I learned how fun travel can be from my grandma. We often took trips across the upper-Midwest. I inherited a love of gardening that had been passed down to my mother, and to me. My Grandma was an avid gardener, especially while living in San Diego. I also learned to play poker while spending time with my Grandma. She was a fun person with a great sense of humor and she will be missed........ Christmas was understandably subdued this year, but it was fun none the less. The girls had a great time, just as expected. Santa brought them lots of goodies, to the point of excess. It's o.k. though, it is all for them. I am so glad for the time I have had to spend with them, as I have had sporadic days off throughout the season. Cathrine has even had the opportunity to spend the night at grandma and grandpa. Everyone is happy in that deal, especially Cat. Anna has also had fun with her extended family. The girls definitely were the highlight of the season.......I start back to school this Saturday. It seems like forever since I have been, having a three week break. I am looking forward to starting a new quarter. I just hope that work does not interfere with school. I won't even write about that. It's a new year. Hopefully work won't be such a problem this year. For now I will be optimistic........