Thursday, March 23, 2006

just another post

Well wouldn't you know it the week after we finnished the greenhouse it would be a wet, cold, and dreary week. Well If you don't like the weather in Georgia stick around for a week, cause it will change. It will be spring soon. The realization that we need a heater, fans, misting system, shade cloth, electricity, and oh yeah, water. The work is not done. I will enjoy spending time in there as it is now though........ Everybody is good..........

Sunday, March 19, 2006

I can smell spring

It was hot yesterday. It got up to 98 degrees........ in the greenhouse. It is finally finished. It seems like it took forever, but it is finished. I have posted a photo blog of the construction, below. It turned out really good and now we have to fill it full of plants. We have a couple of plants in there now, and we will add our flats of seedlings when the temperature stays above 40 at nights. We don't have a heater inside and it can get pretty cold if outside temperatures get around or below freezing. The next step is to landscape around it. We found a Henry lauder's walking stick at the nursery that will make a great foundation planting. I think I'm going to build a paverstone patio and a water feature over the summer. I'm looking forward to it...........

photo blog of greenhouse construction part 2

photo blog of greenhouse construction part 1

Monday, March 13, 2006

is it Monday.......what day is it?

One day I might post again. School is almost over, then I'll have time. I guess. Man........It must be spring time........Thank goodness. The greenhouse is almost done... hoo-rah!......