Sunday, January 14, 2007

Warm spring day

Yeah I know it is not spring if you read the header. It feels like it though. It almost made it to seventy degrees today. Crazy weather, what's new. I am not complaining, as it was a nice day to work outside. I did some more painting, this time on the outside. Ah the fresh air. I am surprised that I got anything done, as I had my wisdom teeth removed Friday morning. It wasn't that fun, but it wasn't that bad either. It has been two days and things are getting back to normal. I ate my first solid food in a couple days tonight for dinner. No more soup! I am still feeling a little groggy. We have been knocking out things around the house. We are close to being "unpacked", and the whole upstairs is painted. It feels like home now. Oh, but there is so much still to do.....I started back to school this week, and good grief four days a week is going to kick my ass. The most I have done previously is two days a week. I am taking design, which will be educational and challenging. Lots of technical drawing. Spanish is my other class. It feels like I am in high school again, as I had three years of Spanish in those days. It will be a breeze, but we are forced to converse and study in groups. It will be frustrating, as most of the people in the class have never spoken any Spanish before. Oh well. Time for some more Ibuprofen. Teeth, or places where my teeth were previously are hurting. Later.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Settling in

To say it has been a busy couple of weeks would be an understatement. We have been moving nonstop. We have managed to accomplish a lot, but a lot remains to be done. Moving is done, and we were out of the apartment on the first of January. We have lots left sitting in the garage waiting for a place. It will take some time. I have just finished painting the whole upstairs, with the exception of one bathroom. That was a process. Lots of work for sure. We have cleaned, painted, and moved furniture to pretty much the entire upstairs. The basement is a different story. I will have to save those rooms for another day. I need a break. I am happy at what we have accomplished, but I am overwhelmed by the amount of work left. It is nice owning a house though. We need time to settle in. I had to go back to work after 16 days off, and that was rough. I enjoyed my vacation. I had problems with my wisdom tooth for a couple of days, but it has subsided. It did however convince me to finally have my wisdom teeth removed, which will happen next Friday. I am not looking forward to that, but I will be glad to have them removed. I am going to have them removed surgically, and I will have to go under for the surgery. Oh well. I have so many other things to talk about, but I am ready to relax. I go back for a full week of work tomorrow, and I also start the winter quarter at school tomorrow. Four nights a week this quarter. Cathrine and Anna went to a friends birthday party this afternoon and I have included a picture of them with their hardhats on. It was a Bob the Builder party. It is really pouring here and I just heard some thunder. Nice April storm, in January. This weather has been crazy. All of the bulbs I planted are popping-up, and a lot of the early flowering trees are in partial bloom. Very weird.