Sunday, September 16, 2007

Fun weekend

A couple things happened this week that have not happened in a long, long time. It rained (over an inch and a half), and then it got cold, well not cold but cooler. Good stuff. We had fun with the girls, we took them to the air show in Rome. I enjoyed it a lot as I have been wanting to see an air show for a couple of years. There were a lot of interesting planes and some pretty intense stunts. They even had a jet-powered porta-jon. You don't see that every day. The girls had a chance to sit, and climb on the planes and helicopters. It was good clean family fun.......With the cooler temperatures upon us it was time to add another piece of the landscape we're constructing. We put in another bed in front of the house. I put in another irrigation zone, and planted some 'shearable' shrubs in the bed, to achieve a formal look. Plants included loripetalum, compacta holly, and dwarf yaupon holly. It will take a couple years to take shape, and we still have to put down more mulch, but I am glad to have the hard part done........I start school soon..Oh boy, English and a basic computer class. Not exciting but necessary. I look forward to the challenge The English 191 class anyway.........

Can I get a job doing this all day?

Sunday, September 09, 2007

There is not much to write about this week. I have decided to post some pictures of last weekend, when we went 'boatin' as Anna called it. It was a lot of fun, for the adults and the kids.