Saturday, May 31, 2008

Cocoa Beach, FL

Here is some pics of our vacation......More to come........

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Vacation next week

Yup, We are going to take a vacation next week. I am looking forward to going, as we haven't taken an official vacation in a couple of years. We are going to Coco Beach, Fl. I'll be sure to take plenty of pics....I started a business last week. I have been hesitant to write about it because of any conflicts of interest with my current job, but I can't help it. My goal is not to give up my day job, but rather to supplement my income. It has been going well so far, and I am really busy during the weekends. We spent Saturday building a retaining wall, and it was tough work, and there were lots of sore muscles this morning. It will continue on for a couple more weekends, and I will post some pics as the job progresses. The last couple of weeks have been strenuous, but productive. There will be more on this later......School has been tough, and I am going to force myself to take two courses this summer. I need to get those classes out of the way. Managing all the things I have on my table as of late has been tough, but I am not complaining.....It has been raining this year (knock on wood), and the drought is not as evident this year. Thank God.....I guess it's back to mowing wet grass, and pruning bushes every week.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Life is moving along

I a have been busy as of late. I would give the details, but it isn't very interesting. I have been working a lot ('tis the season), and school has been taking it out of me. There is a lot of things going on, most of which I will speak of later. I purchased a trailer, and some more equipment, so that is good. We top dressed the yard this weekend and it was thrill a minute. No I kid. It was not fun, but it is over. Of course, last night, after completing the job it decided to rain an inch or two in about two hours. Oh well. We need the rain. I don't have anything else interesting as of now, so I will stop. Happy mother's day to all you mothers.....