Sunday, August 24, 2008

Where is the rain?

I haven't had that much time to put up any posts as of late. So here is the summation of what has been going on: School, work, no rain, sleep, repeat. It is hard to find anything exciting about those things. I don't want to seem negative, but just more of the same old boring stuff I always write about in this blog......Cathrine and Anna are in school again, Anna is officially a first-grader and Cat is in kindergarten. Cathrine's' school started two weeks later than Anna's, so last week was her first week of school. They both seem to enjoy school, and for that I am glad. As for my schoolin', I can't wait until it is over. I am ready for a break. This is the first and last summer quarter I have taken, and it is has not been fun. I am nearing the end though so I am hitting it hard to finish up. After this quarter I will have but a handful of core classes left......We are in the "dog days" of summer, it is hot,it is dry, and the yard is struggling. We need rain. Hopefully the rain from the looming tropical depression will be headed our way. Fingers crossed. The leaves are falling, from lack of water, making it seem like early fall. It is August for Pete's sake. It has also been rather cool the past couple of nights with temperatures in the upper sixties, an anomaly for Georgia this time of year. Not complaining about that one.......Other than that everything is going well. Same old grind, but every one is well around here.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


I don't have anything. Here are some motivating posters.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

It's's stinking hot.......

There is not much going on as of late. Not much at all. It is the middle of summer, it is hot, and the grass keeps on growing.....My side work has came to a standstill, as it always does this time of year. I really do not like not having something to do on Saturdays. It means that I cant do the thing I like to do on Sunday, like go to the nursery and find a plant. It will pick back up............Anybody in the working middle class poor feeling the pinch? It is getting rough paying these prices, whether it be gas, groceries, or the cost of living. Hell, I'm thinking of voting for Osama, I mean Obama, as he is bribing me with another one thousand dollar stimulus check. I mean come on. Times are tight......I mean it's all about CHANGE, CHANGE, CHANGE.......What kind of change who knows. He never says. O.K. enough with the politics thats boring, about as boring as Obama. I would never vote for that Pendejo by the way, I'm voting for the pasty white guy........No pics, no updates, that's it......