Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fall is in the air

It was cold last night and it is foretasted to be even colder tonight. 29-30 degrees, finally. It has been busy around here, everyone has been taking turns with all sorts of sicknesses. Flu, ear infections, and strep throat have been prevalent; what a treat it was to share all of those illnesses! I guess it is good to get it all out of the way at once, early in the season. All we have left to acquire is a good ol' fashioned cold........School is occupying almost all of my free time so not to many blogs as of late. The end is of my time at N.M.T.C. is nigh, as I am being inducted into the National Technical Honors Society in November and I will graduate with a certificate in Landscape specialization in December. Summer is the main event though, as I will be graduating with my A.A.S. Degree. Finally, the end is in site! I have made up my mind to further educate myself, and will therefore continue on to a local University. I can not decide, however what to major in. I am on the fence between psychology or social services. I plan to obtain a B.S. and then proceed to a M.S.W. and then on to an Ed.u.( if I choose social work), or a PhD if I decide to pursue psychology. Now all I have to do is justify the money it will cost and find the the will to persevere through another four to five years of school. I figure both career paths will be good choices as we will soon be socialistic if "that one" is elected.......That's all the time I have to allocate, so I will post some pic's.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


School, work, economy, presidential race, etc.....It was a good weekend, despite an ear infection that I had the pleasure of suffering through all week. The weather was decent, and it was time to do some planting. In between homework sessions we had time to plant over two hundred bulbs in the landscape. We planted, in no particular order: crocus, daffodils, grape hyacinth, hyacinths, and allium. Now we just wait for spring....My last post was about the gas shortage. What a difference a week can make. The price for regular are in the $3.20 range and steadily falling. That's good......I will not bore all three of you who read this blog with all the other stuff that is going on. I will put it in summation. Algebra(ugh), physicology (Ok), horticulture(to easy). That sums up school, and that therefore concludes my post. Yeah....Fun stuff.