Sunday, June 14, 2009

Where have I been?

It has been a long time since I have written a post. It has been a long five months, and I would like to give a brief summation. I was laid off two weeks before Christmas, sat around the house sulking over the holidays, looked for a job, sat around some more, money problems, two months go by,still looking for a job, watched the economic downfall, found a job, worked sixty hours the first two weeks, and now I am in a stable position (I hope). Things are starting to return to normal, knock on wood, so that is good. I am working for a company called Dogwood Landscapes in Acworth. I guess the reason that I have not wrote a post in so long is that I have had nothing good to say. I guess it is safe to write again. Who knows, I might even include some pictures next time....

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