Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Three new 'finds' today. We went to one of the bigger greenhouses in this area. They had a great selection of plants. I found the jade in the corner of one of the houses, tucked away. I have been growing jade for a couple of months, and have about three plants, but none of them as big as the plant I found today. This is far from the biggest jade I have seen around here, but for seven dollars I thought it was a great deal. I have seen plants this size going for over thirty-five dollars around here. This plant needs some T.L.C., but it is a healthy specimen. It is around 30" tall, and probably 24" or more wide. The second picture is a variegated American agave, or 'century plant'. This is a cool plant that I have wanted for a while now. I have ordered a non-variegated American agave also. They will make a neat addition to our collection. Maybe one day we will see them bloom! Contrary to popular belief, It can take as little as ten years for a well established agave to bloom. While repotting it was a nice surprise to find seven 'buds' growing below the soil. I planted four of them, in hope of future plants. The third picture is a variety of 'echeveria', surrounded by sedum 'copper pennies'. This was a neat find that Valerie picked out. Hopefully the sedum will fill out the base of the echeveria.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Sunday 8-28

Three new planters. The first two pots contain trailing jade(bottom), and 'elephant plant'(top). The second picture contains a type of Euphorbia trigona known as 'Royal Red'. The third pot is another addition to our aloe collection. It contains an aloe marlothii (bottom left), aloe variegata a.k.a 'partridge breast' (top left), and aloe 'California'. I think I have developed an addiction to aloes. There are over two hundred varieties of aloe (that I know of). I don't think that I will have room for all of them. ;).......It was my birthday yesterday. Yup. Twenty-seven. It was a good b-day. It was a good weekend. We took Cathrine to the lake today. She had a great time watching the boats and playing in the water...... There is a hurricane on the way. 'Katrina' looks like it will be a nasty storm. It's bearing down on New Orleans, With a path projected right through north Georgia on late Monday. We really don't need any more rain! This was one of the wettest July's on record. August wasn't much better. Oh well at least we don't live in Louisiana. Hopefully it will weaken before impact. It is currently at cat5 which will be devastating for that area of Louisiana.....

Thursday, August 25, 2005


Adenium multiflora Mombossa. Now this ia an interesting plant. Ordered it from www.highlandsucculents.com
The Adenium are known for there 'swollen' trunks. There are many different varieties of the species, ranging from full size plants to this variety that is prized for Bansai. The Mombossa is a cousin of the "dessert rose". The flowers are pink, or red in color. This is a very healthy plant that is approximatly four years old. I cant wait to see it flower.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

New plants, new plants! I had to have an all cactus arrangement. I chose a pot I bought in San Diego. I have been looking for a good use for it for about 5 years. I think the cactus will look great in it. The cactus I chose are moderate sized cactus, growing to about 14". They should fill out this pot in about 3 years. Patience, patience. the varieties that I used were: pin cushion(top left), old man of the andes(top right), and yellow tower(bottom). Looking forward to seeing them mature. The second arrangement is for the girls day care provider. She is retireing this year, the begining of september to be exact. We thought this would be a good "going out" present for her, being as she is a gardener herself. We plan to have the girls put there handprints on the pot in paint, with there names on it. Or something like that. We are deffinitely going to miss her. Back to "regular" daycare. Oh boy. The third arrangement is an aloe collection. It consists of an aloe vera And two other types of aloe that I have not figured out the names of yet. Just thought it was cool. Fun stuff huh. Ordered bunches of sucs & cactus online this week. Hopefully They will be coming in this week... Not exactly a relaxing sunday. Had a few friends over for a cookout. Standard summertime fare, hamburgers and hot dogs, corn on the cob, and fries. Good though.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Saturday night.

Time to go get groceries. oh boy. good week. night off from the girls. round the house. not bad.

saturday morning.

what a morning. Birthday party today, the girls are excited. I have posted two of my latest succulent/cactus arrangements.

my second creation

my first creation

Friday, August 19, 2005


today is the first day of my blog. I have no idea what i'm doing. This should be fun.