Sunday, October 09, 2005

Sunday evening

What a wild couple of weeks. I started college this week. I will be attending Tuesday's and Thursday's this quarter. I am taking evening classes, from five to nine p.m.. It is definitely going to be a challenge making it through this quarter. The seventeen hour days make for a pretty tired John by Friday. Oh well hopefully it will pay off...........The weather is slowly starting to change. Overcast and wet for the last three days. It just looks like winter out. The temperature was in the mid fifties Saturday morning. It won't be long until the cold temperatures start to creep in. Then it's time to try and squeeze all these plants in this house........We are facing lay-offs at work. Oh boy. Oh well, que sera, sera. I am not looking forward to finding a new job, but it might be a good time to get some experience in landscaping, or some field closer to horticulture. Whatever happens it will surely make for an eventfully winter. My fingers are crossed........No new plants lately, but there is lots of blooming going on. The bleeding heart vine is in bloom with wonderful white flowers with blood red centers. It is no wonder how this plant got it's common name. One of the first sucullent arrangements that I made contained a Tiger's jaw. It has bloomed, and it is very interesting. The cycle that happens is as follows: When the sun shines the flower opens up into a brilliant yellow flower that slightly resembles a dandelion. When the sun sets the flower closes up partially and turns a light shade of purple. This is very interesting to me. I have never seen a flower change colors before. I saw it with my own eyes though, three nights in a row. Plants never fail to be interesting.......

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