Sunday, November 20, 2005

#@!!%$!! Microsoft

I was forced to reload my website to the original template, loosing all the work I did on it. I was editing it on Mozilla and when I checked it out on Internet explorer the format was all screwed up. I swear Explorer is a decroded piece of crap, gosh:) I wish everyone would use firefox. Here is a link to It. Firefox is the best browser out there. It has tabs, does not use active x scripts, and is customizable. Just to name a few. Try it out, the learning curve is not bad, and you can import all your favorites over automatically. You can have both of them installed at once, and choose which one you want to use. Damn I should be getting paid for this. I will have my website back to normal, or even better in no time. I have plenty of time these days....

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