Saturday, November 05, 2005

Saturday 11-5

Another eventfully week. Work is going pretty good. I am starting to settle in, finally. Next week I will be assembling a crew. I have posted a picture of a job in progress, that I have been on since day one. It is turning out nicely, especially the sod circle(which is zoisia)..........School is getting frustrating, made a 66 on a test in hort. science. I am pretty pissed about it. The whole class bombed it. I want to appeal the grade, but I don't want to cause a stink. I think the teacher has realized that the test was unfair because we had not thoroughly reviewed the material. Oh well. Scored a 108 on my last woody i.d. test. I will just have to ace the next two tests.......Valerie has been complaining that I have not mentioned her in my blogs. So there I mentioned her. Boy is she great! I mean really great:)........I went to the bookstore today and bought Dirr's book "Manual of woody landscape plants". This is a great book. Anyone who is even mildly interested in woody ornamentals, or wants to learn more about trees and shrubs, this is the only book you need........The girls are gone, for the weekend. It sure is boring here without them. Tomorrow I think we will take a drive and see the fall color. It looks like the colors are going to be great this year. Even on the oaks, which is rare.........


Anonymous said...

Man, that Valerie sounds Great, I mean you must be feeling Great, to have such a Great Valerie in your life. I mean its so Great to hear how Great Valerie is. Thats Great. :)

Anonymous said...