Sunday, February 26, 2006

Busy weekend

How much can we possibly do in one weekend? Well we got married, built half a greenhouse, and had a birthday for Cat. I'm glad to be sitting down writing this. We haven't stopped moving for three days. It was fun though...........Valerie and I got married on Friday afternoon. It went of without a hitch, it took about ten minutes. It wasn't as awkward as I had thought, and I wasn't even that nervous. I am glad it is official. We went out to dinner after, and that was nice. We didn't go anywhere this weekend, but we plan on having a 'honeymoon' later on.......Cathrine's Birthday is tomorrow, but we had a party for her today. It was fun. She got lots of toys, and had a really good time. She doesn't feel very good though, I think she is coming down with a cold. I can't believe my Cathrine is three years old. She acts like she is five though. Growing up so quick........We finally started on the greenhouse this weekend, eventhough it rained all day Saturday. We still managed to assemble the head walls in the garage. Today we finished the foundation and band. It is a lot of work, with a lot more to go. Hope to finish up next weekend.......

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Another rainy weekend

Another wet weekend. That makes five in a row. I normally would not care, but we have been waiting for a good Saturday to construct a greenhouse. We are really itching to get it built. Hopefully we can build it before spring. We overwintered a lot of plants in the house, and they are struggling, especially the succulents. Maybe next weekend....Valerie and I have decided to get married. We are in the process of finding someone to marry us. We are not going to have a ceremony or reception. We have planed on doing it quick, and then running away for the weekend. Both of us agree that it is a waste of time and money to go all out, and besides I have seen to many people spend to much on weddings, and then pay for them the next five years. So there you go anybody who didn't know. We plan to be married by Saturday. Quick and easy........I am enjoying my new job. We are mainly a maintenance company, but we have been doing a lot of installation lately, which I enjoy. It is good to be able to enjoy a job. It has been a while since I have even remotely enjoyed where I worked.......It is already time to register for spring quarter at school. Time is flying by, or so it seems. I am doing good in my classes. I believe I'm going to take only one class a week next quarter, but I plan on getting my internship out of the way. I can use my current job for that............That's about it. I have posted a pic of the blizzard we had last Saturday night. We almost got a half inch. Wo-ho! They are saying that it might get ugly tonight also, we'll see....

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Good week.

It has been a good week around here. I started my job with Hybrid Scapes on Monday. One week down. It is a good company, and I think I will enjoy working there....I did a small installation job independently last week that turned out good. It was a small bed that included Indian hawthorne, and dwarf gardenia shrubs. I also planted a couple trees, a pink flowering dogwood Cornus florida 'rubrum', and a weeping cherry tree. I also planted dianthus around the mailbox and star jasmine around the light fixture. I had intended on including a picture of the job, but forgot to take a picture. I will post one later........Tax returns came back, and we were able to pay of some bills, finally. I payed of my laptop which I use for this website. That's a good thing. Now it's time to go find something else to pay on for a couple of years......The weather has been crazy this year. It has gotten cold again. We had about five weeks of above average temperatures, and the buds on some of the ornamental fruit trees are about to open. I have seen many of the cherries, bradford pears, and even forsythia trying to bloom. The hard freezes we are going to have this week will surely zap the blooms. It might not be a very pretty spring this year. Oh well...........

Friday, February 10, 2006

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

New job.....again

Started a new job this Monday. The company is called Hybrid Scapes. It is another Acworth based company. Same great 45 minute drive. I will be doing maintenance, something I have no experience in. I will soon though. Don't really have that much to talk about. Exciting site huh?