Sunday, February 26, 2006

Busy weekend

How much can we possibly do in one weekend? Well we got married, built half a greenhouse, and had a birthday for Cat. I'm glad to be sitting down writing this. We haven't stopped moving for three days. It was fun though...........Valerie and I got married on Friday afternoon. It went of without a hitch, it took about ten minutes. It wasn't as awkward as I had thought, and I wasn't even that nervous. I am glad it is official. We went out to dinner after, and that was nice. We didn't go anywhere this weekend, but we plan on having a 'honeymoon' later on.......Cathrine's Birthday is tomorrow, but we had a party for her today. It was fun. She got lots of toys, and had a really good time. She doesn't feel very good though, I think she is coming down with a cold. I can't believe my Cathrine is three years old. She acts like she is five though. Growing up so quick........We finally started on the greenhouse this weekend, eventhough it rained all day Saturday. We still managed to assemble the head walls in the garage. Today we finished the foundation and band. It is a lot of work, with a lot more to go. Hope to finish up next weekend.......

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