Saturday, February 11, 2006

Good week.

It has been a good week around here. I started my job with Hybrid Scapes on Monday. One week down. It is a good company, and I think I will enjoy working there....I did a small installation job independently last week that turned out good. It was a small bed that included Indian hawthorne, and dwarf gardenia shrubs. I also planted a couple trees, a pink flowering dogwood Cornus florida 'rubrum', and a weeping cherry tree. I also planted dianthus around the mailbox and star jasmine around the light fixture. I had intended on including a picture of the job, but forgot to take a picture. I will post one later........Tax returns came back, and we were able to pay of some bills, finally. I payed of my laptop which I use for this website. That's a good thing. Now it's time to go find something else to pay on for a couple of years......The weather has been crazy this year. It has gotten cold again. We had about five weeks of above average temperatures, and the buds on some of the ornamental fruit trees are about to open. I have seen many of the cherries, bradford pears, and even forsythia trying to bloom. The hard freezes we are going to have this week will surely zap the blooms. It might not be a very pretty spring this year. Oh well...........

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