Sunday, April 30, 2006

Just a post

I will keep this one short. I have a lot to say. However after typing for two hours already, for my homework, I'm tired of typing. I didn't think I would care to much for the core classes, and I was right. Well whatever, It's part of the process.......The greenhouse is going good. Lots of folks have came to see us, which is good. It is filling up quick, and we need to make room. It is a lot of work. We buried the underground electrical this weekend, and dug for the water line. It was a long weekend spent working. It seems like the work over there will never end. I just want to do some gardening. Oh yeah that reminds me we broke ground on the garden this weekend. Maybe I will get around to planting it by August. I'm not that far behind, but close.......I need a vacation......Everybody is good.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

First new succulents for spring

Man, look at these plants. Just came in today. They are cool. is about the only place I will get my succulents from now on. Just wanted to show of the new plants. We got about fifteen others, but these were definitely my favorites.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Sunday, the day before Monday

It was another fun weekend, and week, spent at the greenhouse. We got a lot of things done this weekend. For starters, we finally planted all the seeds. Finally. It is a little late to be starting seeds, but without having a heater this winter we had to wait. We do have a ventilation system now though. Installed it this weekend. It was a pain, and we still have to bury the wire underground. I am glad to have it though. It helps control the temperature dramatically, and it will keep fresh air circulating through the greenhouse. It is a really nifty setup with a thermostatic controlled fan and fresh air louver. It can kick on at 40 degrees to 110 degrees. It is actually bearable to work in there now. Next week hopefully the shade tarp will be in and we will run water into the greenhouse. It feels like an official greenhouse now. Time just flies when we are in there. There is so much to do, it is a lot of fun. We have a huge collection of plants and I can see that we will be needing more space soon. Hopefully we can get rid of plenty of seedlings soon.........Back to school tomorrow, to start the third quarter. I will have an easy spring quarter, as I am only taking two classes. One of the classes is a core class (Interpersonal relationships, or something), and the other is my horticultural internship. I wish I was going to do my internship at the botanical gardens, or an arboretum, but I'm doing it at hybrid where I work. I'm to old to run off for eight weeks, and it is nice and convenient being as I work there. I guess I will get plenty of hard knocks experience at Valerie's greenhouse. So it will be an easy spring at school. I plan to take the summer quarter off still, as of now.........Everybody is still doing good. Easter is next week and we are planning to go to a cabin in North Carolina next weekend with the whole family, we are looking forward to it, and the girls are looking forward to finding the eggs.........

Sunday, April 02, 2006

warm sping weekend

What a difference a week makes, the temperature has been in the low eighties this weekend. It felt like the beginning of June. We can't complain about that though. It is a shock to have that high of a temperature so suddenly though. The greenhouse was nice and toasty too. The thermometer was actually pegged out on Saturday. It goes up to 120. Pretty hot. We had actually planed on installing the ventilation system this weekend(fan, intake louver, thermostat, and fan speed control), but it is taking forever for it to get to us. I guess that's what I get for waiting until the start of spring when everyone else is ordering the same things. I am actually having a hard time getting the flats and plastic pots we need, as the company I have been ordering from is back ordered on lots of it's supplies. Oh well next year we will be able to get an early start.......Everyone is good around here. Cathrine and Anna are good, growing so fast. Valerie and I are good...... Not really to much going on. We spend most of our 'free' time at the greenhouse. Or at someone else's greenhouse. We will have lots of pics soon, don't really feel like loading them up this time. It's o.k. to be lazy on Sunday isn't it?..... Oh yeah the dogwoods are blooming......