Sunday, April 30, 2006

Just a post

I will keep this one short. I have a lot to say. However after typing for two hours already, for my homework, I'm tired of typing. I didn't think I would care to much for the core classes, and I was right. Well whatever, It's part of the process.......The greenhouse is going good. Lots of folks have came to see us, which is good. It is filling up quick, and we need to make room. It is a lot of work. We buried the underground electrical this weekend, and dug for the water line. It was a long weekend spent working. It seems like the work over there will never end. I just want to do some gardening. Oh yeah that reminds me we broke ground on the garden this weekend. Maybe I will get around to planting it by August. I'm not that far behind, but close.......I need a vacation......Everybody is good.

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