Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Man I swear, I watch the evening news and I can feel myself getting stupider. Bird Flu, murders, Internet scams, rapes, terrorists, we hate bush, millions of people died today..... I can't believe this crap. If I didn't know better, I would think the world was ending. Come on. This is such crap, they always report.... Even Fox is getting bad. Ratings, ratings. They will say anything. I can't believe people actually are sucked in by this shit. Cattle. Then there is the illegal immigration problem... Excuse me, situation, or whatever is politically correct. This is an actual problem that the media is so scarred to report negatively. Two things, ABC actually said that the illegal immigrants are gaining strength and political power......What, How the hell do you have political power if you cant even friggin vote? What the hell. Then I heard them say the illegal immigrants are "tired of living in the shadows". Then friggin' become citizen. putos. I'm sick of it. I am all for immigration if it's legal. Damnit. Then there is Mussaui, or whatever his friggin name is. They chose to give him life in prison in stead of executing his ass. That's a great thing to tell the terrorists. Man oh man, I feel like a grumpy old man..............Don't believe your T.V. it's lying to you............I had to vent, and I think a lot of people in the U.S., excuse me, a lot of rational people feel the same way. The news won't tell you that though. I'll just go watch American Idol, or some other syrup-like crap that falls out of the T.V. and I'll feel better. Also by the way I work with Amigos all day and I see how little they care about this Country. 90 percent of them are here to do one thing. Steal everything they can from this country............

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