Sunday, May 28, 2006

Three-day weekend

There is not much better than a three day weekend during the summer. Well it is not actually summer yet but it feels Like it. It has been in the nineties all weekend. Next week looks like more of the same. I always forget how brutal the weather is in Georgia during the summer months. Oh well it makes the plants grow. We did a lot of work at the greenhouse this weekend. We started off by ripping half of the plastic off. The temp's were around 120 degrees in the middle of the day. Too hot! Even the cactus don't like it that hot. I found out that most cactus and almost all succulents go dormant if temp's are over 110-120 for a long length of time........We also did some landscaping around the greenhouse. I think it turned out nice. I planted mostly perennials, so it will take some time for the beds to fill in. Some of the highlight plantings are red banana, black elephant ear, variegated ginger, salvia, echinacia, monarda, lantana, butterfly bush, and zinnia. There is a lot more than that, and in a couple of months it will look great....I'm glad we don't have to work tomorrow.......

Greenhouse pics 5-06

greenhouse beds

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

We love the greenhouse

Just a post for the heck of it....

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Little Valley Greenhouse now has it's own website Little Valley greenhouse
You can find prices, directions, and inventory as of now. We will soon post pictures, and update available inventory. Mother's day is this weekend. Check us out!! Additional questions and contact info can be sent to

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Thinking about winter

Not much time to write anything lately. Never a dull moment. I guess I can't complain about that though. It beats the heck out of being bored. The greenhouse is going strong. We are learning more and more about what it takes to run a greenhouse. It basically boils down to babysitting 500 or 600 plants. 24-7. Yep the greenhouse is filling up quick. It will be time to build another one soon! We will be getting a business license soon also I think. Little Valley Greenhouse. I ordered the seeds for the winter annuals (pansies, kale, cabbage, and mustard). It seems weird to be getting the seed so soon, but they will have to be planted in early August to be in bloom by October...... Things are going good at work, I really enjoy the people I work with. I have passed up two jobs in landscaping this spring, which was hard, considering they were 10 minutes from home and the pay was basically the same. I also passed up a job as an operator making a lot more than I'm making now. Oh well I Want to stick with horticulture. I am a lawn mower jockey as of now, and I could think of many other things I would rather be doing, but after the past half-year I have realized that it is hard to find a decent company in landscaping. I really miss the money though. It will get better financially, I'm sure. I actually got a five thousand dollar a year raise recently, which will surely help. Maybe it will pay for my gas, it has been costing me 45 dollars a fill up. I fill up two times a week. No fun. Oh well.....It rained all day today, which was different. It has been a dry spring. Took the succulents over to the greenhouse and went to Wal-mart, my arch nemesis. It was not fun. We made the mistake of going to the grocery store hungry, and spent way to much........I don't have school for basically three weeks, which is good. I will enjoy taking a quarter off, and maybe a vacation......Things are greening up, the honeysuckle is blooming, and so are the magnolias. It is staying above 50 at night, and it is the 80's during the days. We did some landscaping at the greenhouse. We planted an actual 'garden' this Saturday, which I haven't done in three or four years. Cathrine helped plant some zinnias, marigolds, and petunias around the garden. She caught on quick and was actually teasing the roots that were root bound before planting them. Future horticulturist? We also planted a foundation bed around the greenhouse which is made up of ginger, cannas, salvia, impatiens, begonias, marigolds, and coleus. I turned out nicely.......... I'm done..........

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Man I swear, I watch the evening news and I can feel myself getting stupider. Bird Flu, murders, Internet scams, rapes, terrorists, we hate bush, millions of people died today..... I can't believe this crap. If I didn't know better, I would think the world was ending. Come on. This is such crap, they always report.... Even Fox is getting bad. Ratings, ratings. They will say anything. I can't believe people actually are sucked in by this shit. Cattle. Then there is the illegal immigration problem... Excuse me, situation, or whatever is politically correct. This is an actual problem that the media is so scarred to report negatively. Two things, ABC actually said that the illegal immigrants are gaining strength and political power......What, How the hell do you have political power if you cant even friggin vote? What the hell. Then I heard them say the illegal immigrants are "tired of living in the shadows". Then friggin' become citizen. putos. I'm sick of it. I am all for immigration if it's legal. Damnit. Then there is Mussaui, or whatever his friggin name is. They chose to give him life in prison in stead of executing his ass. That's a great thing to tell the terrorists. Man oh man, I feel like a grumpy old man..............Don't believe your T.V. it's lying to you............I had to vent, and I think a lot of people in the U.S., excuse me, a lot of rational people feel the same way. The news won't tell you that though. I'll just go watch American Idol, or some other syrup-like crap that falls out of the T.V. and I'll feel better. Also by the way I work with Amigos all day and I see how little they care about this Country. 90 percent of them are here to do one thing. Steal everything they can from this country............