Sunday, July 02, 2006

New truck, finally

Yep, bought a slightly used 2005 GMC Canyon. It has four doors and air conditioning! Oh sweet air conditioning. I am glad I bought it, as I haven't made my first payment yet. It really makes a difference in the 500 mile journey I make each week to and from work. I had forgotten what it was like to drive a new GM truck, I'm sure I will enjoy it. So anyways, that's what's new. It is hot today, what a surprise in Georgia in July. The greenhouse hit 115 with both fans running. To hot for me(and most of the plants). All except the cactus, they are loving it. There are to many pictures to post but there are lots of things blooming, although they are best admired from a window in an air conditioned house. Its hot......I haven't had much time to post lately, and I guess a lot has happened. I am taking a break of from school for the summer quarter. Glad about that, but oddly I kind of miss it. Gonna hit it hard in fall and take three classes to compensate. It will be nice to have the time in fall. Work is going steady, no time for a break. Not even a holiday, we are stuck working Monday the third, so no four day weekend. Bummer, but oh well. One of our foreman quit so we have been short staffed. Bought an Xbox 360, for what I don't know. I guess to waste some money, and fill up boring summer days(of which there are none). I just don't have the time, or patience for that matter, to just sit around playing games. Getting old I guess, or maybe I just have a life now, don't know. It gives Valerie great pleasure to tell everyone how that is all I do is sit around and play that damn Xbox. We bought an aquarium a couple of weeks back, and that has proved to be entertaining for everyone. Three of the fish have 'kicked the bucket' so far. We still have a goldfish, two little tropical fish, and an algae eater. Pretty neat. I guess that's about it.

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