Sunday, August 27, 2006


Yup, today is my 28th birthday, and I could not care less. I have never been to big on birthday's, but this year I am especially not interested. Maybe it is the age, or maybe it is how busy I am. I don't know. Maybe I will be excited at 50 when I buy a ferarri, and get a hair piece, who knows.........I have decided to do some experimenting with the fall annuals. I have planted a couple flats of pansies, ornamental cabbage and kale. It is way to hot to start them now so I am starting them inside under grow lights. I just hope that the temps start to cool down by mid-September. Very unlikely. I plan to start the main crop of winter annuals at the end of September. We are growing a lot of stuff. We have about ten different types of pansies, red bore kale, ornamental cabbage, ornamental mustard, Swiss chard, and violas. I am looking forward to the change of seasons. It has been a hot and dry summer. Not long now though........We looked at a couple more houses this weekend, this time in Adairsville. One of the houses we saw was decent. It was a ranch style on a slab, which I don't to much care for, but it was nice none the less. The search continues...........

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Getting ready for fall

Oh boy it's Sunday again. I have a love hate relationship with Sundays. It's a day off, but tomorrow starts a new work week. Oh well. We accomplished something this weekend, we finally managed to run the plumbing for water in the greenhouse. We have been putting it off for some time now, mainly because if you don't have to work in the heat then don't. With our heavy schedules however, it has been harder and harder to get to the greenhouse to water twice a day. I have decided to install an irrigation/sprinkler system in the greenhouse to simplify things. It will be completely automated and low tech. It will definitely make our lives simpler. I don't really have much else............

Sunday, August 13, 2006

End of the weekend

Another decent weekend. It was a little cooler than normal for the middle of August, which was a nice change. This week was very hot. Heat indexes above 100 all week. That makes life miserable when you work outside. I am really looking forward to the change of season. Fall is one of my favorite times of year. I just hope it is a long fall. The transitions of seasons in Georgia tend to be very abrupt, going from one extreme to the other. This spring for example was almost nonexistent, with the temperature going from the fifties for highs to eighties in only a couple weeks. I am definitely looking forward to fall colors and planting some trees and shrubs that I have been growing all season. I have a couple of redbud trees, a kousa dogwood, fatsia, forsythia, and a couple of crepe myrtles that I need to find a place for. I was hoping to have a hose to plant them at, but I don't believe that will happen any time soon. It has been an interestingly frustrating process so far. The combination of nothing really appealing in our price range and the available loans have definitely dampened the process. We still plan on buying a house, but we definitely have some work to do financially. I hate the fact of struggling every month, even more so than now. I had to have a new truck though.....School is starting soon, and I believe this will be the quarter that I start working on my A.A.S. degree. It will be a big process, as I have to apply for a new scholarship. I will also have to take a lot of classes that will be a lot more challenging. College algebra, I don't even remember high school algebra. I will also have to change my schedule a lot, as a lot of the classes only offered during the times I work. That will surely take some creative solutions and bargaining with my boss. We will see. I have taken a lot of my core Horticulture classes and it will be time to take the boring classes. Psychology, Economics, English, oh boy......I do not have any pictures this week. I am glad I bought the new camera,now I need to go some where worth photographing...

Sunday, August 06, 2006

On the hunt

It was an eventful week. We have decided to look for a home. Oh boy. The process itself does not excite me, but the end result will. I am ready to live in our own house. I am so tired of living in apartments, and throwing money down the drain. I am also getting the craving to do some gardening at my own house. Some long term landscaping. We have looked at only one house so far, and I liked what I saw, but I definitely want to view more. I most of all hope the process goes relatively quickly as this has been a long time coming. I am also ready to pay the $1000 a month payment....Yeah that will be great......Anna started pre-k this Friday, and she really enjoyed it. I think it will be a great experience for her, and no more day-care!.......School, yes school, is starting back soon and I am looking forward to it. It has been kind of boring not attending college this quarter. North Metro has obtained accreditation for Associate of science Degrees, and that will make my life easier as I will not have to attend two schools to get one degree. A great thing.........There is not much going on around the greenhouse, but the cactus and succulents continue to bloom. I bought a new camera, and at 7.1 mega pixels the close-up's of the flowers are amazing..........Oh yeah, there is a picture of the pineapple we grew. Mmmm.......