Sunday, November 12, 2006

The leaves are STILL falling

I have found my new least favorite thing to do. That would be blowing leaves. Five days a week, eight hours a day. Yeah....It is a rare Sunday, as I have no homework, and we finished early at the greenhouse. We even had time to cook a good dinner. Thanksgiving is coming and I am looking forward to it. We all have four day weekends coming up. We finally planted the beds and cleaned up around the greenhouse. The beds are nothing special, I used only the left over stuff we grew. They will mature nicely, as long as the damn deer don't eat them. The population of deer must be decreasing, as all I hear at the greenhouse is distant rifle fire. Thinning of the heard. They have been a real nuisance this year. I planted about fifty bulbs in the beds and the deer have been digging them up. Pain in the.......We found the house we want. We even put a bid in. We were underbid, and did not get it. That was a bummer. It did however give us more time to get a better loan. Now we have everything ready to go except for a stinking house. There is not much to choose from, and even less to choose from in our price range. This area is growing so fast it is hard to believe. It will be completely different in five years. I am sure will will find a house I just don't know how soon. I just want a house under 150 that is worth buying. It sounds stupid, but we need some more subdivisions. Never thought I would say that. It will be time for the minivan soon. Good grief.......School is good, I am taking Design and Spanish next quarter. Spanish will be no problem, design will be interesting.......The girls are good, the 'Valerie' is good.....

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