Saturday, May 05, 2007

I knew I was forgetting something

I haven't wrote a post in a long time, not because there has been nothing going on. I just forgot. I have been really busy as of late. 'Tis the season. I have been working a lot, mostly around the house. I have been doing some 'poor man's landscaping', prepping some beds and laying out the front yard design. It is frustrating, how much I want to plant, but I must wait until I have the grading and cleanup done. Needless to say the yard looks pretty ratty as of now. Oh well, one step at a time. We took out a good sized oak tree and a dogwood that were in the front yard. They were nice trees, but they were growing it the wrong place. I have lots of ideas for the plantings and I keep going round and round about plant selection...... I am not attending school this quarter, and I am glad to have a break. I was becoming overwhelmed with the hectic schedule I keep. I had planed on going, and had even registered, but things came up...I am entering into what will ultimately be a fight for custody of Cathrine, and I knew I could not handle school at the same time. I won't say to much more about that, other than I want it over with. It disgusts me to know what some people think of as acceptable behavior for a parent. I think the whole thing is disgusting......Things in all other aspects are o.k. Valerie had a yard sale today that turned out pretty good. I even scored a nice dart board out of the deal(it was a multi-family deal).....Lots of other things but I am not in the mood to write about them. There has been tons of drama in my life lately, and I just don't feel like talking about it.......

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