Sunday, May 13, 2007

Is it summer already?

It has been hot. It got up to 92 here yesterday. Hot for May. It wouldn't be so bad if we weren't in a drought. I think we are about 10 inches behind for the year,and considering our area receives only about 55 inches a year that is a lot. We did however receive some much needed rain Friday night. I guess about an inch and a half. Five minutes down the road, nothing. We were lucky I suppose.....Not much new, we have been working in the yard, working in the house, and working on the house for the last couple weeks. Anna is done with Pre-K in two weeks, and she is going to have her tonsils removed. Cat is good, she starts pre-K in August. Valerie is good.. so I heard.........Oh yeah, almost forgot. We have two white kittens now. Lucky us. I also put up a picture of a columbine flower. Its a neat flower, and a hard to kill plant. Trust me I haven't payed attention to them all winter at the greenhouse. I have had the chance to plant many of the perennials we have been growing at the house. I am glad, and I know the plants are..............Happy mothers day.

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