Sunday, October 07, 2007

Can I write something dumb?

I started school last Wednesday. I haven't been in more than six months. Whew. I am taking composition and rhetoric, and an online intro to computers class. I lucked out, and have the opportunity to experience a new teacher(professor), who has a PhD in English. I say that sarcastically as the new teachers are known for being extremely overzealous with there course work, and homework, and they are synonymously known for keeping the students in class for the entire alloted time period. I have just completed my third essay this week. Huh. I am not complaining, as I am always, well almost always up for a challenge. It will be interesting to see how much this class will hone my writin' skills.:) The other class I am taking will be extremely easy, but I am taking it on-line, so I am sure it will be way more complicated than necessary.....I digress. I am glad to be back in school. One step closer to my goal..........Nothing much has been happening around here, and that is a good thing. It has been pretty relaxing.......And now it is time for the weather report. It will be hot and dry. Highs in the upper eighty's, to ninety in spots and no rain. No rain for the next three months, or more...It is really ridiculous around here. We are in a serious drought, bad enough for the climatologists to convince the local water commissions to issue a level 4 water ban. No outside watering of any kind, whatsoever. This sucks for me on many levels, not only at home, where the grass is slowly turning brown, and the freshly planted shrubs are approaching permanent wilt , but also at work. No one wants to plant shrubs or re- seed fescue lawns if they can not water them.......O.K., I am done with my whining. Every thing is fine around here. We went to the festival this weekend to watch the parade and munch down some carny food. The girls had a good time. The got their fill of candy from the parade. It was a good weekend. I didn't take any good pictures this week. Sorry.

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