Sunday, February 24, 2008

Cold and Flu anyone?

I swear......What the hell was that? Some kind of super cold mixed with a little flu is the only way I can describe it. Five days later I am finally able to get up and walk around for more than a minute. Missed three days of work, a night of school, didn't leave the house for two days and didn't leave the couch one day..........Damn, I hope that junk is over with.....I'm done.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Lazy Sunday

It has been raining all afternoon. I haven't been able to say that in a while. I try not to write about the weather (or lack thereof), mostly because of how frustrating this damn drought is. The moral around my place of employment has been low, and talks of more layoffs are in the air. It is very depressing having to watch month after parched month pass by, with the reservoirs unable to fill up, and everyone discussing how this is the worst drought ever. It stinks. The Governor has eased some of the restrictions to supposedly save the landscaping industry. They will help, but only for a short time without rain. I won't go into details on the easing of the restrictions, so there is a link. It is interesting what is being proposed, as it will involve an online course, or certification, that homeowners and professionals alike will have to pass to be able to "hand-water" their landscape. Hopefully this rainy trend will continue..........School is going along swimmingly. I am actually comprehending Algebra this time. I hope I can continue to keep up. I look forward the Spring quarter however, as I will be back on the Horticulture side of school............What else, oh yeah, Valentine's day. I abhor this silly holiday, however I enjoy eating the candy. Whilst scavenging though the girls' candy I came across this candy heart with the stupid slogan "fax me" on it. What......? Who faxes someone for Valentine's day? I think that this candy was made in China. I got a kick out of it. I photo-shopped it and it can be seen above....The other pics are of some flowers that Valerie picked up at a local greenhouse, a couple of forced hyacinths and a gerber daisy. They serve as a nice reminder that spring is coming soon. I am getting the fever already. We bought our seeds this weekend. Next weekend it will be time to start some of them....Let it rain, let it pour.........

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Learnin' some cipherin'

I actually looked up ciphering (think Jethro). It is an actual word. Hows 'bout dat?....I have been learning a lot of ciphering, or algebra, as of late. I have learned it before, but I retained very little since the last class I had a decade or more ago. I dislike it just as much as I did in high school. Algebra starts off fun, with equations such as 2+x=6. Easy stuff.X=4. Just my pace. Then comes 3/11(x-34)+1/16(4x-145)=22x(898-34x)+y or something like that. Man I hate algebra. The bad part is that this is my remedial class. I am not intimidated by much when it comes to school, but algebra is definitely my nemesis. I hope to maintain my 4.0 G.P.A..........Not much else is happening around here. We have been lucky enough to have a little weather come through as of late and leave behind a couple of inches of wet stuff. This is a good thing. The forecast is for a wet upcoming week. Let us hope they are right.....I have learned a few more tricks to web design, but I have so much more to learn. Maybe one day I will be able to use the programs I bought. Ha......I did figure out how to make animated gif files. What fun! I feel like I am twenty years behind everyone. I am enjoying the learning process. I will post my most intriguing work yet: the light bulb gif. Its not much, but I created it.....To much computer time, I need to get in here and watch some of these 2 million dollar commercials on the t.v.. The Super Bowl, What an over hyped deal. All the money spent......