Sunday, March 02, 2008

Feels like Spring, but it isn't....

We had Cathrine's Birthday today and it could not have been a better day. It was a perfect Spring day. No humidity, temperatures in the seventies, and the daffodils were popping out of the ground.........I can not believe Cathrine is five years old. It is amazing. She is such an amazing little munch-kin that is growing up so quickly. I believe she had a fun day. This is the third birthday party that she has had in the past 10 days. What a lucky child. Five years old. Here comes kindergarten. We waited to have her party until this week because everyone was sick last week and it was a dreary couple of days last weekend. It was a good party and a lot of the family made it which was nice....I have included a pic of Anna sans her two front teeth. She has been making a killing off the tooth-fairy as of late!.........Not really much new around here. School is moving along relatively smoothly, and I finally understand the process of factoring polynomials (no small task).I have a full class load next quarter, I am attending full time(plus some).I am ready to get it over with. I will take a big step closer to my degree next quarter. I don't have anything else as of now........

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