Sunday, July 13, 2008

Rain, rain go's supposed to rain...

It has been raining...a lot. We have had over four inches in the last week at our house. It has been great. I have seen downpours that I haven't seen in years around here. It has really changed things here, even within one week. The grass is finally growing, the wilted plants are back to normal, and my mood has improved. I love to see it rain; after two years of being in a drought(of which we are still in), it is nice to see it rain. O.K. that is enough about that, I just get excited when it rains like this, hell it is raining as I write this:) I started back to school this week. Back to reality, or more of it. The classes should be a lot easier this quarter as I am taking a greenhouse class and an herbaceous perennial I.D. class. I have a lot of experience in these subjects, so they shouldn't be that bad. They will still be demanding though. Business is going well. I finished a large job this weekend that has been going on for over a month. That was a good thing. It turned out nice, I believe, and I will post some pictures of it soon. I have two more medium size jobs lined up for the coming weeks. Good times.....thats about it. Cathrine is doing well, and Anna is on vacation with here grandparents in Boston. It is an annual trip. She is having fun. These girls have had it made with all the vacations they have had this summer. I wish I had their schedule! I am glad for them, as they are at the age that all the memories start to stick. I hope they are making good ones......

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