Sunday, September 17, 2006

Need to make this quick

This has Been for the most part a long boring summer. But the seasons are changing. I have went from a comfortable routine to a hectic schedule..finally. I have to much to do, but that is a welcome change. The weather has been great. Temperatures in the fifties at night and eighties at night. I love it. I am , however looking forward to the 50/70's. So much better than 95 with 100% humidity.......Greenhouse, greenhouse, I feel as if that is the only thing that I talk about in my posts, but it is a big part of our lives. We finally, yes finally, finished the irrigation/misting system. I(we) are happy with how it turned out. Mist for the benches and a couple of sprinklers for the rest. It was tricky to find the right equipment for such a small greenhouse, and required a fair amount of research. It will make things easier not having to water every 12 hours. As of now it is all automated. Fantastic......Lots of side work, and little time to do it. I haven't did any side work all summer(that was probably a good thing). Now, however, everybody and their brother has something for me to do. That's a good thing.....I will put some pictures up soon, as soon as I have time. Maybe by next summer....

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Time to grow again

It was a good weekend. Finally the temperatures are bearable. It is even enjoyable to work in the greenhouse again. We had a chance to catch up on some things that we had been putting off. I finally managed to get the water line finished, divided some plants, and preped for the pansy and fall annuals. We had the greenhouse 1/2 filled with cactus and succulents. I had propagated so many succulents this summer, it would have been impossible to keep them all through the winter. I wish we had a heater, but the power and fuel costs are to much relative to the amount of money we make. So we needed to get rid of some, and we did. They sold like hotcakes. Now we have a lot more room...The pansy's and other stuff are growing great. It will be time to start the second batch this week. It will be the end of October before they are ready, but that's o.k......I finally sold my old truck. A guy I work with bought it. I was glad to get rid of it. I was also glad to get the much needed money. I am enjoying my new truck........ The house hunt has slowed. We haven't viewed any houses lately. There are not many houses for sale around here that are worth it, or that I (we) like. Oh well who knows............ The countdown has begun for school. Another three weeks. I am ready. Greenhouse Management, and Garden Center Management are on the schedule. I better be able to manage something after all the management classes I will be taking....That's about it. No pictures or anything..... Everybody is doing good enough. The girls are good. Anna is enjoying school, and Cathrine started a new daycare last week. Her previous daycare provider abruptly decided to quit with only a two day notice. It all worked out though. That's about it..........

Monday, September 04, 2006

Labor Day weekend

There should be more three day weekends in the year. That would be nice. This labor day was a good three day weekend. Saturday we all loaded up and took off to the cabin. It was a lot of fun, especially for the girls. The four-wheeler was there and the girls had a blast riding on it. It is nice to get away for a day or two.......The seasons will be changing soon. Oh boy. The temperatures have been bearable lately, highs only in the 80's. Soon It will be highs in the 70's, then 60's. I can't wait.........The fall annuals are growing, very slowly. I will be starting the second round of pansies next week. I have also decided to propagate some 'Nellie R. Stevens holly's, and a couple of boxwood's. I have been so lazy this year, hardly propagating any woody or perennial plants. I do however have an overwhelming collection of succulents......... School starts the first week of October, and I am taking a week of vacation the second week. I am ready for both......