Sunday, October 22, 2006

Sunday, already?

Oh boy. Don't really have much to say. Same old thing really. Homework, going back to work, greenhouse. Same ol', same ol'. We did a grading job today, and it went well. I loath working on Sunday, but money is money. It was a good job though, I basically sat and watched a bobcat for five hours. That is my kind of work. We are seeding the entire house this week, or I should say Hybrid Landscapes is. I pretty much have done nothing but talk on the phone, and make arrangements. Ah the life of the General Contractor. I would much rather talk on the phone than push a shovel all day. The money is just not as good......The folks went on a vacation to Cabo San Lucas, so Cat didn't get to spend the night with them, I was glad to have the whole weekend with her. I finally got around to planting some arrangements for the deck. I used all of our stuff, with the exception of the pansies, which I broke down and bought. Yeah, ours are still not ready. Those are our violas in the picture though. I put some tulip bulbs in them for spring. They don't look like much now, but in the middle of winter they will be welcome color....I ordered the plastic for the greenhouse, so I guess that is what we will be doing next weekend. I also ordered a new exhaust fan that we will be putting in. Next up a heater. Heat, heat, heat. Wish I had it now. I will turn that thing into a greenhouse, damn it!. I have finally got YouTube, so I will be posting some videos from time to time.

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