Monday, December 25, 2006


Christmas was good. The girls had a lot of fun. They got so many presents it was ridiculous. It didn't seem like Christmas, with all the things going on, but after getting together with the family it felt right. We are so lucky to have a family as close as this. Everyone shows up for Christmas, and it is very comfortable. Good day....There has been a fair amount of drama recently. Cathrine fell out of my truck while playing yesterday, and damn near earned a trip to the emergency room. It was not good, a nice big knot on the head. It scared me, bad. She ended up being fine, it looked horrible though. She is pretty banged up, or "racked up" as she said. Tough little girl....The house work is going slower than anticipated. We have been painting and cleaning for four days now, and we are ready for the carpet tomorrow. It is a lot. We have to start moving tomorrow or Wednesday and that will be fun, always is. No not really. I hope we will be able to make some progress then, although I might have to take a day to get my wisdom tooth removed. It has been annoying me for a couple of days now. I am hoping to make a quick recovery as time is running out. It will be time to go back to work and school soon. Oh boy.... I posted a picture of the family. Good looking folks.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

I would never want to be a painter

Here are some pictures of the work in progress at our new house. They are not great, and I have yet to take a picture of the actual house(from the outside). We have been a busy bunch. We have been working on the bedrooms for three days now. The house was left a pig sty, and we are having to clean it as we paint. It is a lot of work. It is coming along though. We are having the carpet installed in the bedrooms on Tuesday, so we have to finish them first. Slowly but surely...........

Sunday, December 17, 2006


So we close on our new house this Wednesday. It will be official. The mortgage company cleared it for closing on Wednesday. We have everything lined up, just need to sign some papers (about one thousand of them). I am going crazy, I am so ready to do this. We visited the house today to get the final measurements for carpet. Three more days. Very long days. It will be a great time to close, as our last day of work is Wednesday also. We will go sign the papers and then it is time to move. I also finished school on Thursday. That was a good thing. I was ready to finish that long quarter. O.K., so next time I post I will have some pictures of our new house. Three more days. Come on already......

Sunday, December 10, 2006


I am so eager to sit down and write some good news about the house. But I refuse to until we know for sure. Fortunately, we should know something this week. I am ready for a celebration. For now, however, it is sit and wait. Let the lawyers and bankers and mortgage brokers work it out.....Not much else going on either. The temperatures were cold enough to do some real damage at the greenhouse, seriously damaging my lemon tree, lime tree, avocado tree, and pineapple plant. I hate that it damaged the lemon, as I have had it for about 5 years now. Oh well. I put down some ground fabric, put in a new louver, and have a heater at hand. Work work. It is very boring there now. I am ready for spring now.......This will be the last week of school for the quarter. Finals and final projects due. I am almost done, I have been procrastinating for a while now. I finally finished a project that is due. I worked for about three hours on it. It is a scale model of a garden center. It is rare to see that quality of work. Yeah. I was going to post a picture of it, and then realized that I did not want to make anyone suffer. Oh well It will get me a grade.....Yeah it must be winter. Cold and boring. If we get the house there will be plenty of things to do. I am ready. Fingers crossed.............

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Man it is cold.

It was 15 degrees this morning. That is cold. I know there are plenty of places that it gets colder, but for Georgia that is cold. We will have three days of nights bellow twenty. Last year we didn't have one night below 18. The bad part is it is only December. We usually don't see temps below twenty until January or February. Cold, cold....The purchase of the house is looking good. We have everything but the final approval of the loan. We should know by the end of next week. Everything is looking good. I can't wait for some news, Some good news.

Sunday, December 03, 2006


We are in the process of buying a house. We put in an offer, have the loan squared away, and have until the 20th of December to close. Whew, that happened quick. The process is not entirely sealed, but chances are we will be the owners soon. The bank is doing the appraisal this week, and that will be the last major hurdle. There are some issues, there is no carpet in the bedrooms (who knows why), and the door jamb is rotting. I am hopping the appraisal goes well. It should not be a problems, as comparable houses in that area go up to the mid 130's. We got a great deal on it as it was going to enter into foreclosure soon. It is a lot of house with three bedrooms, two baths and one finished room and another partially finished room in the basement. Two car garage also. It is a large lot at almost one acre, and it is flat with hardly any landscaping. That is great, a clean slate. We are very excited, but reserved......I jumped a major hurdle with the greenhouse today. Two actually. I put in another louver, allowing us to close the door, and keep it closed throughout the year. Doesn't sound like much, but it is to me. I have a fan and louvers that combined with a shade cloth should allow me to keep the temperatures down in the summer. I also received, for free a used heater that I believe will work in our greenhouse. That was major. I hope to have it up and running by February. It is a natural gas heater and I will need to have it converted to LP. It also has some 'miles' on it. I am optimistic. I don't have any picture this week. I hope to have a lot of picture of a new house soon though..........