Sunday, March 11, 2007

Can I get a break?

This is the last week of school and I am so very glad. I finished my final project for design (picture), have completed my Final homework for Spanish, and I am ready to take the final and get it over with. Come on already. I had plenty of time to catch up on my homework as I had a long weekend because of my teeth. I was forced to go to the dentist, and have a tooth yanked. I am so tired of my teeth hurting! I do believe I have solved the problem, as I found out I was confusing the pain in a molar with the wisdom teeth I had just had removed. After two days of excruciating pain I was forced to go to the dentist and face a decision between a fifteen hundred dollar root canal or a considerably cheaper extraction. I chose the later. It is amazing at how the brain will work after a couple days of pain. I feel a huge amount of empathy for people who live in pain. I just want to have a weekend off. No pain, no complications. I feel I may be asking for a miracle. I would just be happy to have a week off of antibiotics. I feel like an old man talking about my aches and pains. It is that my teeth are all that have been happening in my life, so it seems...........ANYWAYS, Anna had her first soccer game(picture), and her team won....The weather is fantastic here. Seventies and fifties. Fantastic. The time change allowed us to hang out in the yard till almost eight. with short sleeves on. Nobody is complaining about that......Speaking of outside I do believe I have figured out what I want to do with the yard. Nailed down a plan, for this week anyway. Now I need to find someones yard to do so that I can have some money to work on mine. Tis' the season. I might even draw up a design. I want to practice more, as I am proficient in drawing skills but I need a lot more practice to be great at drawing. I don't have any problems picking plants or 'the right plants' but I need to master lettering............Rambling. Thats about it. Oh yeah, the temps are finally nice enough for us to put all those cactus outside. Seed flats too. I hope we dont have to bring them in until November.

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