Sunday, November 25, 2007

Four day weekend

I slept in. I woke up and ate. It was thanksgiving. I ate again. I slept in, and I did nothing the next day, and the next. It was great. I think we should have a four day weekend every week.....It was a good, calm, and enjoyable thanksgiving. Everyone to the best of my knowledge, had a good time....We purchased a Christmas tree, and decorated it this weekend. It turned out as planned.....It rained this week, and weekend. It is also supposed to rain all day Monday. This is a good thing...Short and sweet. I have a couple more hours of relaxation before the work week begins, so I am done...Here are some pictures. Oh yeah, the petunias are just a volunteer plant that sprouted in the greenhouse this spring. The power and water have been off since March, and they have thrived throughout the worst drought on record, not to mention temperatures in the greenhouse reach 130 or more in the summer without fans. I don't know how they have made it, but they have. One more thing, it has been below freezing three times this fall, and it hasn't hurt them. Are they a mutant strain? Whatever they are I wish all plants grew this well.....

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Anna's birthday party

We had Anna's Birthday party today. It was a rowdy party, with lots of yelling and party horns, supplied by a group of sugar crazed children. It was a good party, everybody had a good time, and no one lost an eye. Six years old. Going on eighteen......Things are good around here, everyone is anticipating a three day work week, with Thanksgiving approaching; the start of the holiday season. Hooray. Seriously, hooray! I just finished an annotated bibliography paper for class, so I am going to cut it short. I am all typed out....................

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Whole Lotta' Nothin'

It was a quiet weekend, and I am not complaining. I enjoy the quiet weekends. I really don't have much to say, I just had the time to kill. What to write about...I don't have anything, just the same old boring stuff...Work, school, sleep. I tried to change my website around a bit, but ended up just adding a weather link instead. I knew how to edit HTML for a minute, but I forgot, not to mention it is way to complicated for a Sunday afternoon. Maybe I will change It up in a couple of weeks....This is the time of year where time just seems to pass so slowly. I think it is the fact that I will have a couple of weeks of in the middle of December. Thinking of that just makes the time go by so slowly. Oh well...The weather is the same, just like Arizona around here. It is actually quite ridiculous. There is no outdoor watering allowed. The drought seems to have the attention of everyone around here, from the media to the average suburbanite. They keep talking about running out of water; eighty days and we will be rationing water. Then I hear that the Corp of engineers is releasing 4.1 Billion gallons a day from Lake Lanier, and the Governor is suing them for releasing too much water. The politicians are arguing. That will solve a lot. This is surely a drought that I will not soon forget. It will be disastrous soon if the rain does not come, and the water restrictions are still in place. 14,000 jobs lost already for the landscaping industry in the metro area this year alone.....I actually have thirty day permit for watering my backyard, for the aeration and seeding that Hybrid Landscapes did for me (at a deeply discounted rate). I have watered a total of fifteen whole minutes in fifteen days. I'm turning soft, soon I will be petitioning for the endangered mussels. Stop the watering!.....Actually, I just don't feel like hearing the neighbors' comments. I also don't want to pay a huge water bill for some lousy fescue.......I want it to rain..... Please?.......

Sunday, November 04, 2007

A nice fall weekend

It was relatively calm around here this weekend. We had a chance to relax and do a couple of chores around the house. The weather has been nice, still no rain though. The temperatures are perfect, and the HVAC unit is getting to take a break. I love this time of year. If it would only rain....Halloween was Wednesday, and Cathrine and Anna had fun trick-or-treating. They both dressed up as princesses, and toured our neighborhood, and the surrounding subdivisions in search of candy. They made out well and I, I mean they, will have candy for a couple more weeks......There isn't much else going on. Work is the same, school is the same, and I'm not complaining. This quarter of school has been tough, but it is already half-way over. I have gotten used to my new computer, and although I don't like it as well as my previous one I enjoy the new programs. It has Windows Vista on it, and although it eats up a lot of memory and processing power it is reliably stable. I also upgraded to Office 2007, and It is a good bit different than 2003. I haven't used it much though, as my school work has to be in office 2003. The two versions are not compatible with each other which is really stupid......The leaves are turning. What leaves are left that is. This will not be a good year for fall color, which is a bummer but the weather is not cooperating this year. When is this drought going to end?......