Sunday, November 04, 2007

A nice fall weekend

It was relatively calm around here this weekend. We had a chance to relax and do a couple of chores around the house. The weather has been nice, still no rain though. The temperatures are perfect, and the HVAC unit is getting to take a break. I love this time of year. If it would only rain....Halloween was Wednesday, and Cathrine and Anna had fun trick-or-treating. They both dressed up as princesses, and toured our neighborhood, and the surrounding subdivisions in search of candy. They made out well and I, I mean they, will have candy for a couple more weeks......There isn't much else going on. Work is the same, school is the same, and I'm not complaining. This quarter of school has been tough, but it is already half-way over. I have gotten used to my new computer, and although I don't like it as well as my previous one I enjoy the new programs. It has Windows Vista on it, and although it eats up a lot of memory and processing power it is reliably stable. I also upgraded to Office 2007, and It is a good bit different than 2003. I haven't used it much though, as my school work has to be in office 2003. The two versions are not compatible with each other which is really stupid......The leaves are turning. What leaves are left that is. This will not be a good year for fall color, which is a bummer but the weather is not cooperating this year. When is this drought going to end?......

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