Sunday, June 22, 2008

What should the topic be?

There has been lots going on as of late. School finally ended, the quarter that is. I think I emerged with my 4.0 intact. I will know next week. It was a very rough quarter and I am really, really glad it is over. I don't have to go back until July ninth.....Anna and Cathrine went on a vacation with the grandparents this weekend. They took a trip to the cabin. It was weird not having them around, as we stayed behind for work. They had fun and Grandma and Grandpa made it back unscathed....We have been working, and working, and working. Things are going well.......It looks like we will be facing another damn drought year. We haven't had a decent rain in about a week in a half, and all the usual subjects are showing signs of drought stress. The back yard is looking rough as at least half of the fescue is dead, or on it's way to dying. Oh well, there is always next year. The drought has not had that much of an impact in business, but I expect it will soon. Where is the rain? Where are the "gully washers" of the old days? Who knows. I haven't been taking many pictures as of late, I have been really busy. That's about it around here, nothing really out of the ordinary. That is a good thing.

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