Sunday, December 18, 2005

Almost Christmas

Man I remember what it was like as a child before Christmas. Now I know what it is like as a parent before Christmas. It is slightly different. We almost finished our shopping this weekend. It wasn't all that bad, actually. Thank goodness for Wal-mart. I usually can't stand the place, but at times like Christmas it is great to be able to basically make one stop. It is good the girls are the age they are, as it is so easy to shop for them. In a couple of years they will be telling us what they want. I'm sure it will be expensive. I'm glad we were able to get as much as we did, as I have had such a hard time with work lately. There has definitely been a lack of money around our place lately. That's o.k. though, Christmas is not about money. To tell you the truth, I am sure the girls will be thrilled with whatever the get from Santa, and their excitement will be a great gift for Valerie and I. Ahh, Christmas as a parent........

Friday, December 16, 2005


My goodness man, is it Friday yet?

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Back to work

What a week. I started a new job with White Oak Landscape co. on Tuesday. I like the job a lot, everyone I have meet or dealt with has been great so far. It is one of the bigger independent landscape companies around Atlanta. The pay stinks, but that will change soon enough. We start at 6:00 every morning, and it takes me 50+ minutes to get to work. That's pretty rough, but it is a great company and I'm sure I will get plenty of 'experience' from this job. I will be heading up a crew soon, most likely dealing with hardscapes. My teacher from my woody i.d. class is the owner. It is a very good opportunity, as he is one of the top designers in the area.......I have finished with one of my classes in school , woody i.d.. I don't know my exact grade, but it should be at least a 4.0 or 4.1. My final for my other class is on Thursday, and I am exempt, with perfect attendance and an A average. I am glad for that. The new quarter doesn't start back until January 7th. I'm looking forward to the break.......Everyone is good around here. The girls are doing good, they have started back at Mrs. Pat's, so no more 'daycare'. That is a good thing.........We went to the Thrashers game tonight with Donnie and Chante. It was a lot of fun. Hockey is definitely more interesting 'live' than on T.V.. Maybe we will be able to get our hands on some more free tickets, I would like to do that again...

Sunday, December 04, 2005

A rainy Sunday

It was a pretty dreary day around here. It has been raining for two days. It was a pretty good day to hang out in the house, and that's what we did. We have been working on a puzzle that is driving us crazy. I wanted a difficult one, and this one is. It can be a lot of fun on lazy days. I just hope the girls listen, and don't loose any of the pieces........We scored some free tickets to a Thrashers game. I have never been to a hockey game, and I am looking forward to it. The tickets are good, right behind the glass. It should be interesting............You know I cant believe how much ticket prices are these days. It doesn't mater if it is a concert or a sports event, they are outrageous! Most concert tickets are around thirty dollars now, with the bigger bands going for up to 100 bucks. Sports tickets are even worse, the tics we have were being sold for 80 dollars. Who would actually pay that? It would be $320 for four tics. Maybe I am getting old or just cheaper, but I think these prices are ridiculous. Thank goodness there's always the nosebleed seats for only 50 bucks a piece;)......

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Still bored

I don't really have much to say, but I will write something anyway. We went and got a Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving. Cathrine and Anna got a kick out of it. We bought a Douglass fir. Good looking tree..........Next week is the last week of school for fall quarter. Oh boy, finals. I am glad this quarter will be over. It seems like its been 15 weeks instead of ten. Oh well. I have really enjoyed my woody id class. I have learned about 90 plants that I wasn't familiar with before. Sarcococca hookeriania humilis is probably my favorite. Or maybe Metasequoia glyptostroboides. I finished my notebook that describes all of the plants we covered in class. I'm glad to be done with it. It took about 5 hours a week to do.........I am trying to find a new job, and it is beginning to get frustrating! This is the worst time of the year to try to find a job. Something better happen or I'm going to go crazy.................