Sunday, December 04, 2005

A rainy Sunday

It was a pretty dreary day around here. It has been raining for two days. It was a pretty good day to hang out in the house, and that's what we did. We have been working on a puzzle that is driving us crazy. I wanted a difficult one, and this one is. It can be a lot of fun on lazy days. I just hope the girls listen, and don't loose any of the pieces........We scored some free tickets to a Thrashers game. I have never been to a hockey game, and I am looking forward to it. The tickets are good, right behind the glass. It should be interesting............You know I cant believe how much ticket prices are these days. It doesn't mater if it is a concert or a sports event, they are outrageous! Most concert tickets are around thirty dollars now, with the bigger bands going for up to 100 bucks. Sports tickets are even worse, the tics we have were being sold for 80 dollars. Who would actually pay that? It would be $320 for four tics. Maybe I am getting old or just cheaper, but I think these prices are ridiculous. Thank goodness there's always the nosebleed seats for only 50 bucks a piece;)......

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