Wednesday, June 20, 2007

If I'm lying I'm dying...

Some days. I had two "firsts" today. I got to go to court. I then was sentenced to jail. For no specific time. Until I could pay of my debt. I actually never made it past the holding cell, as my debt was payed for me by my parents. I don't know why or even if I should be writing this, but I have to get it off my chest. I was appalled many times today, and disgusted by how the whole human drama unfolds. I had very little respect for the court, or faith I should say. My concerns we not unfounded. I heard that all the convicted people say "I'm Innocent", and I will say it too. However, that is here nor there. The point of the matter is that I was taught my lesson.....Or someones lesson. I am not bitter at the way things turned out, I am however more than a wee bit upset about why I was in that courtroom. Anyone who knows me will probably already know the situation, so I will not go into the details. It just feels therapeutic to write something about it. I have seen some pretty awful thing done by some definitely awful people, but I believe what I saw today will take the cake. Lie after lie, after lie. All for that money. I saw evil in its purest form today. Power hungry, self-centered, foolish evil. The money is very important but it will be replaced somehow. I will work harder. The fact of the matter is that I was put in jail by someones willingness to lie. Eager willingness. Everything went pretty much as planed. I had expected the worst and was dealt an even worse hand. So is life round here. I am, however not looking for pity. I will be alright. I think. Thank God for family who are there to support. It is something I don't take for granted, and something I am very thankful for.

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