Monday, September 01, 2008

Bring on the hurricanes!

When the hurricanes reach Georgia, they are already tropical depressions. And when they hit just right, as Faye did, they usually dump rain for days on our area. We received about five inches from Faye, and it was a great thing. It filled the areas lakes up a bit, which is great as they are an important part of ending this "drought". It has been a little over two years since Katrina, and another hurricane is pounding on New Orleans, although it looks as though this storm will leave a lesser impact on the city. There is yet another storm that is headed our way, a weaker one, and I hope it makes it to north Georgia.......I hurt my back on Saturday. It wasn't a good thing. I make a living with my back, so I am hoping it is nothing major. I went to the E.R. on Saturday night (what a blast). I have never had back problems and it scares me to think this might be chronic. I am hoping for the best, as all signs point to a sprained muscle. It is scary to have such a hard time moving around. It takes about fifteen minutes just to get out of bed an firmly on my feet....Summer is coming to a close, and I am glad. The temperatures have not been that bad as of late, but hot nonetheless. I am ready for the leaves to start changing, and to get our first taste of fall.......I turned thirty last Wednesday, and I couldn't care less. It is; however, a weird thing as It seems to have sneaked up on me, as I am sure forty and fifty will. Oh well it is just a number..........

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