Sunday, September 28, 2008

Does anyone have gas?

Good grief it is dry around here. It hasn't rained in three weeks and there is no gas at the "gas" stations. It has been a weird couple of weeks. The gas shortage was initially a problem in Atlanta, but has spread to the suburbs now. What the hell? What is the deal. Why is there no gas in Georgia, but plenty everywhere else? Nobody seems to have an answer. It is very perturbing to have to find a gas station that has gas and then proceed to wait twenty minutes to fill up. Moooooo cow!.......Then there is the lack of rain, oh wait I don't want to talk about it. I am bored with this drought. Damn drought!........Then there is the economic fallout on wall street. I don't want to write about that either, but I will say that there are about fifteen people that fully understand the entire situation and I am not one of them. I am, however looking forward to The Great Depression Version 2.0.....Then there are the locusts and the plagues......I kid. Life goes on. Just another day. I did find a cool plant this week. Red spider lily (Licoris radiata) I posted a picture of it. I found it growing in a customers yard and made a trade for some tulip bulbs. It is an interesting plant. It is a bulb that has grass-like foliage in spring until summer when it dies back. Then the single flower stem arises. After the flower fades the foliage re-emerges in early winter. It is an interesting plant. That is about it. I start back to school next week (oh Boy!), so I am going to go enjoy my last homework free weekend.......

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