Sunday, February 25, 2007

Cat's B-day

We had Cathrine's birthday party today. It was a lot of fun, we had everyone over to the house for the first time. As a group that is. Cathrine, Anna, and all the other children had a good time. It was nice to have everyone over, and it is especially nice to have a home to host a party. It was a fantastic day outside, with the temperatures flirting with the seventies. Oh man I can smell spring. It makes me want to do some things around the house(on the outside for a change). I did a bit of landscaping this week, and I am glad that I had the chance. I am not finished with the bed, I plan on adding a crepe myrtle, and a couple other plants. I did accomplish one thing, however that I had been putting off. I managed to put down pine straw around the house, and I made a couple of beds around the shrubs and trees. Its getting there. I am getting the gardening itch, it must be getting close to spring.

Monday, February 19, 2007

I'm sick of......

I feel like ranting. It comes as no surprise(to me at least)that it stems from a visit to a doctor. I had my wisdom teeth removed about, let's see, about five weeks ago. This weekend one side of my mouth starts to ache, and by the end of the weekend it has turned into consistent excruciating pain. Using deductive reasoning I had figured out that the pain was coming from a partially removed tooth. I should explain. About two days after my wisdom teeth were removed I noticed, after I realized my mouth was part of my face again, that there was a sharp "piece" of what I assumed was a piece of my wisdom tooth. O.K. then, Back to today. I was forced to visit the surgeon again today to be diagnosed with a "bone spur". He actually told me that the bone had grown back to form the sharp point that I had been feeling. What the hell? Thanks for flexing your "doctor skills". Thanks for the massive brain power that went into that amazing diagnosis that solved all. And all of this was done with a ten second exam of the tooth. Is it genius? Or is it B.S.? I am putting my money on the later. At least he admitted fault. I don't know why doctors piss me off, but they do. I think it is because I have held them up to a higher standard, only to realize that they are human, as human as you and I. Whatever. I know my tooth(or half-tooth) freakin' hurts, and the soonest I can be worked on is Thursday. Ahhhh! Here is a picture of my orchids........damn it........

Sunday, February 11, 2007


I love the internet. You can find anything, well almost anything, you want to know. If I had the money I would buy books on the subjects I wanted to know about, but I can't. So I turn to the internet. There is always someone, or some group of folks that have a site specializing on the topic in question. Collect rare hats worn by dogs that appeared on T.V.? Looking for hard to find cereal boxes from the sixties? There is a site for everything. I have been forced to learn a new profession, or group of professions. All of them revolving around house construction, or remodeling, or anything for that matter having to do with owning and improving a home. I have only the quick, "cliff note" version to work with. Home improvement for DUMMIES I guess. I have worked in many fields, most of them pertaining to construction, but I have never worked on houses. Until now. I would love to hire out the jobs, and watch as the tasks are completed one by one, but we can't. One day, just not today. It is just as well. If I want to know about a specific field I do a quick web search and find what I need to know. Well most of it. There are certain things that no matter what you are told and how long you study there is no way to understand it fully until one has the "on the job training". My point is that I really enjoy learning these fields, but to say it is frustrating to take a crash course would be an understatement. I have become a proficient painter, an apprentice HVAC guy, a proficient plumber, and part time carpenter. There is so much to do, and it seems to be that when one task is completed there is two more that pop up as a consequence of the previous act. I like it, but I need two more days a week, and two thousand more dollars a week. Oh well, I will keep plugging away at the small stuff, and work up (and save up) to complete the larger tasks. I just cant wait to have the time to do the task that I actually DO, landscaping. It will be spring soon, and I have a list of things to do outside. Outside. Thats where I belong.....

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Horray for Wednesday!

I have a rare two days off of school. Fan- frickin- tacstic. We had a good day at work today. Well we didn't actually work. We went to a pro-day event, a sort of 'convention' for landscape pros. They show off the new equipment and give away shirts and hats and all that good stuff. I enjoyed it because I was able to attend three classes and get a couple of recertification credits that I need for my pesticide license. As expected they were very boring. I did learn a couple of things. It has been very hectic lately. I have overloaded myself, and with the addition of buying the house I am a bit stressed. It will be over soon. I have posted a pic of a couple of orchids that we have had for a couple of years that is about to explode with flowers. It is very drab around here and they will bring a much needed boost in color..... It has been very cold lately highs in the low forty's. I actually saw a couple of geese walking on ice in a small lake. It is rare to see any lake or pond frozen around here. The cold has allowed us to use our fireplace. I have enjoyed lighting a fire in the evenings(when I am home).O.k. that's about all that I have. Oh wait, the greenhouse. Yeah, I don't have anything to say about that, except for the fact that there are a lot of dead plants in there. We haven't even placed our order for seed yet. It will be a late start this year. I have decided to take the spring off, well maybe I will take one class. I will be able to spend some time over there then. I need it, as I feel the spring 'bug' coming on already..........Soon, soon it will be time for the green to come back, soon........

Monday, February 05, 2007

To busy to write a blog

I just don't have any time lately. Work, school, sleep. Repeat. The weekends are spent doing homework, as I don't have any time to do it throughout the week. Going to school four nights a week is a lot harder than anticipated. I can do it though, only five more weeks in this quarter. I am ready for it to be over, as the design class is definitely the most challenging class I have taken so far...I don't have much else. Work and school are really the only thing that I do now. Not very exciting. I wish I had more time to do things around the house, as all the projects have basically come to a halt. It is o.k. for now, as we have run out of funding. I still have so much I want to do. Everyone is good. I wish I had some pictures, but I don't.