Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Horray for Wednesday!

I have a rare two days off of school. Fan- frickin- tacstic. We had a good day at work today. Well we didn't actually work. We went to a pro-day event, a sort of 'convention' for landscape pros. They show off the new equipment and give away shirts and hats and all that good stuff. I enjoyed it because I was able to attend three classes and get a couple of recertification credits that I need for my pesticide license. As expected they were very boring. I did learn a couple of things. It has been very hectic lately. I have overloaded myself, and with the addition of buying the house I am a bit stressed. It will be over soon. I have posted a pic of a couple of orchids that we have had for a couple of years that is about to explode with flowers. It is very drab around here and they will bring a much needed boost in color..... It has been very cold lately highs in the low forty's. I actually saw a couple of geese walking on ice in a small lake. It is rare to see any lake or pond frozen around here. The cold has allowed us to use our fireplace. I have enjoyed lighting a fire in the evenings(when I am home).O.k. that's about all that I have. Oh wait, the greenhouse. Yeah, I don't have anything to say about that, except for the fact that there are a lot of dead plants in there. We haven't even placed our order for seed yet. It will be a late start this year. I have decided to take the spring off, well maybe I will take one class. I will be able to spend some time over there then. I need it, as I feel the spring 'bug' coming on already..........Soon, soon it will be time for the green to come back, soon........

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