Thursday, January 03, 2008

Vacation post #3

Well, actually i am not on vacation anymore. I hesitantly returned to work today. It will be a two day workweek, so it is had to complain to much. I had a busy two weeks off. There were many highlights, the main one being I could do what I wanted, when I wanted. I stayed busy. I bought a new desktop computer, after selling my previous computer to my brother. It was a fine computer, one that I had built from meticulously selected parts at the pinnacle of my computer tech days. It was antiquated for the purposes that I need (or want), so I wanted to upgrade. I like the new computer......I did receive two 4.0 grades in my fall classes after all. I was worried initially about the English 191 class, but I managed to maintain my 4.0, and I received a very high quality grade, which was surprising.......I will quit talking about my composition skills, as anyone who reads this blog will see my writing is far from being perfect, but this is for fun, I chose to write as I feel........I start back to school next Monday, in a remedial college algebra class. Ugh.......Back to the vacation recap. I spent lots of time with the girls, which was nice. They are growing up so fast, it is astonishing. I was glad to have the time to hang out at the house with them and just do nothing. Valerie and I had plenty of time together also, and we managed not to kill each other. I did some work around the house,(tile job, new ceiling fan, etc.), bought and chopped some firewood, watched it rain, and finally quit smoking......Actually today is my first day without a full cigarette, but the hard part was accomplished over my vacationing period. I slowly, and I mean slowly weaned myself off of nicotine. I can not take all of the credit though, as I had help from Chantix. I thought hard on whether I wanted to link to this stuff, as it is a prescription drug, but this stuff actually worked. I really works. I hope it continues to work.....There was lots more to my days off but they shall remain in my memories. It was enjoyable, and I look forward to 2008.....Here is to day two of being a non-smoker..........

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