Sunday, January 27, 2008

What does this program do?

I have been spending a substantial amount of time in front of the computer lately. I have been learning (the hard way), how to design web pages. It is far over my head, but I will learn it. I have to do it on the cheap though, as I do not have the money for the expensive programs. I did, however find a good deal on Microsoft's expression studio, which will help out tremendously. I just have to learn the programs, and (x)HTML, and CSS. No small task. Whatever, I found a new hobby. I would love to take a web design course at school, but I have to finish the landscaping stuff first. Who's idea was it to be a horticulturist anyway? They don't make any money for Pete's sake.....I am just kidding, I like landscaping, but I would love to do something a little more...let's say slightly more "High Brow". Who knows.......Things are well around here, It has been cold here lately; it actually snowed here this morning (a really light dusting). The day finished out with temps. in the sixties. Crazy.......I don't have much else. Supposed to go to the Bahama's soon, school is boring (stupid linear equations), work is work, and it needs to rain. Oh yeah, and the we are flirting with a recession.....I am ready for spring. I think we will have the greenhouse up and running by march. I have posted some doctored pictures of the Bahama's that I have Photoshopped. Peace out.....

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