Sunday, January 20, 2008

The worst blizzard ever! For real! No....Wait........

There is a phenomenon that occurs in the south that happens about once a year. There is some sort of frozen precipitation that falls from the sky. Amazing in it's own right, that is not the event that I will be describing today. The actual phenomenon is the reaction that the masses have to this news. The cycle begins when the local weatherman predicts a chance of snow, usually two or three days out. This of course leads to the headline: "Winter Weather 08.....Snow will kill you", or something to that effect. Mass hysteria soon after ensues. There is a mad rush to the local super store so that people can stock up on bread and milk. This is no joke, as these items are not to be found on the shelves soon after the forecast is broadcast. I believe I would buy some canned soup, or potted meat, or something non-perishable if I participated in these 'snowmageddon' events. But seriously, what do I know. I should spend more time obeying the media........There was a blizzard that shut things down, I believe it occurred in '93. No power, impassable roads, and feet, not inches of snow. "The blizzard of the century" for Georgia, anywhere in the Northeast it would have just been another little snow. It was bad, but as I was then a teenager I though it was great. It was about a week before the suburbs eventually 'thawed-out'........This actual blizzard changed the way we perceived snow events. It was inconvenient, and for a few life threatening, but for the most part, the stories were mostly positive......I digress. The media loves these events. The news on now is discussing how the leftover wet spots, and they are few and far between, will re-freeze tonight and wreak havoc on tomorrow's commute.............It did snow. They did get that right and by storms end there were no appreciable amounts of snow to be seen. Soon after it landed it melted. Two nights before the snow did, however, accumulate and it was fun to play in. I have some pictures up..........I am amazed at the way people in the south respond to snow. I am amazed how they conform to the stereotype of the grocery store rushing, bad driving, stockpiling freaks that you see on the T.V. (that I am sure all the rest of the nation is getting a good laugh at). It is a good time to go to the super store however, as long as you are not buying bread and milk, because the lines are short, and the trip is quick. As long as you don't mind things being 'picked over' a bit, and you will have to listen to the cashier's recollection of the hysteria that visited the store just hours ago. It made for an interesting weekend and a couple of entertaining moments.

Other things that I have to discuss that will have to wait.
(I just want to practice my xhtml & CSS)
  • The progression of Reel Easy, LLC
  • My experiences with school, and Algebra
  • The current economic decline and how it will affect our countries Gross National Product.
  • That last one was just Bullsh!t
  • Later..................

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